Tuesday, July 3, 2007

First Adventure Completed

It's about time. Five game sessions to complete an adventure that I had been (foolishly) hoping to have wrapped up in one or two. I was actually considering doing something for the conclusion that would have required at least another full game session, but decided against it as most of my players were weary of this one, and, if we had extended it, there was also a very good chance that at least one of the characters would have died, if not many others.

Alright, so what did happen? The wizard was taken to the cultist lair where Travis revealed his master plan to destroy the daemon residing there and take down the cult. Sadly this was all revealed to Aaron's character. Now, mind you, Gilbert is supposed to be a very subtle, highly intelligent apprentice Shadowmancer. Aaron, on the other hand, has, I believe, severe ADHD. So, the message didn't exactly get taken right, and, while the other characters are busy handling a horde of chaos furies, he's surprised to find himself performing a ritual that starts to rip all vestiges of magic from the area. Basically, everything gets absorbed by the spell. He even lost, temporarily, his magic stat.

So, we left it there, with the ruins of Ferlangen burning about them while they remain in relative safety near the pit that used to be House Arthonis. Not really one of my best endings, to be honest, but it's been a while, so I'm a little rusty. Still, plenty of great fx, and the wizard got to make use of the relic they had discovered. And, every step of the way, they had seriously been wrangled, mangled, thrashed, trashed, and smashed. Which is pretty much par for the course in WFRP, so I'm satisfied.

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