Okay. Sorry about the delay, but my computer was acting up. Anyway, onto the rundown of the second session, also known as, why did we come to this dead city anyway.
My players finally came to a complete list of characters at this time, so here they are:
Selennia the elf noble - played by Sheena
Hartmut Dienfenback, aka the Sarge - played by Tyler
Gilbert the shadowmancer apprentice - played by Aaron
Perrin the hunter - played by Matt
Calcius the dwarf pit fighter - played by Justin
Originally we had a different character for Sheena, a Shallyan priestess named Emma, but she chose to change characters in mid-stride, so I npc'd Emma until our fourth session, when she was given new life by Kerry. James would later be playing a halfling named Klaus, but he won't show up till the fourth session either.
And so it was that at the crack of dawn (actually about 10 in the morning, cause the wizard overslept) that our noble and courageous party head out for the ruined city of Ferlangen. The wizard had also now been tasked by his master to retrieve Sigmar's Seal, though, of course, he failed to mention this fact to anyone else, along with the fact that he was a wizard. After all, who wants to get burned at the stake for mistakenly being blamed for practicing witchcraft, right.
Upon entering the city they found themselves under fire from two survivors, Brettonians that had made their way to Ferlangen before the storm by the name of Rick and Travis. Poor Rick would later die of infections caused by a wound given to him by Calcius (yeah! pit fighters).
After Rick and Travis surrendered they took the party to Bruno, "commander of the last defense against the forces of chaos." To say that someone was confused would have hardly been a stretch. After a rather strained introduction, Bruno told Hartmut (Tyler) about a group of greenskins that they had been dealing with for about a week, and Hartmut agreed to help him out.
That night the survivor encampment got attacked by a minotaur, who died a horrible and bloody death as he took on the force of no less than fourteen combatants... no, fifteen. It was a slaughter. During the battle Gilbert unleashed a magical barrage against the battle and, afterwards, Travis knocked him out (not the last time this would happen) and informed Hartmut that one of his men was a daemon.
Fortunately for Gilbert, he had some papers to prove who he was, and that he was hardly a daemon, nor was he cavorting with daemons. While the interrogation was proceeding, however, Travis managed to take off with Gilbert's drawing of Sigmar's Seal.
Thus endeth the second session. I was really hoping that more would get done (and my apologies for the broken way in which the story is written, the game did take place a while ago so my memory is hardly fresh), but we've been getting better.
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