Monday, June 25, 2007

A Third Session

Okay, so Hartmut had promised Bruno that he would help him out with his goblin problem, but before that, he decided that he'd take a little detour to the temple of Sigmar.

The temple was remarkably well preserved. In fact, one could say that it was out-an-out beatiful, with stained glass windows, white-washed walls. The only thing that would ever tell you that there had been a fight here was that the doors were no longer on their hinges. Well, that, and the 300 decomposing bodies in the main hall of the temple ending at the altar which was desecrated with the sign of Nurgle.

So, our party, showing nerve, pluck, and a penchant for never being able to keep their stomach contents in their stomachs (yes, Aaron, I'm talking about your character now), decided to take the stairs into the lower parts of the temple. Where they found themselves in a narrow hallway with arrow slits on both sides. Nothing quite like fighting a bunch of giant rats while trying to dodge arrows being fired from behind impenetrable walls to really make your day.

After making it past the hall of screaming arrows (it's a metaphor, Tyler) they made their way to the illusionary library, which almost made gilbert break down in tears. And the ghostly guardian named, oddly enough, Diefenback. The ghost sent them to running a few errands. You know, stack the black powder by the tunnel entrances, kill off all the ratmen before they cook us up as stew, you know, that sort of thing. After the Sarge and Gilbert were nearly killed by the ratman shaman, they finally managed to turn the tide and were teleported out by the grace of Sigmar (we needed to be done immediately, so I just teleported them out, didn't tell them where they were going, and decided to leave it there).

The most important part about this session is that character relationships are being very well established now. The Sarge is in charge, Calcius is second in command, and Gilbert gets to be the butt of everyone's jokes until he blasts someone, which usually makes people shut up pretty quickly.

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